FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

finished reads section, meaning the stuff I c/ped into thread

I do apologise for being a dick to you by the way.

If you want me to read people Iā€™ll give it a shot but this is brainrot beyond comprehension for me

mmmmm noted nya, I still donā€™t feel good about ur slot tho LOL

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I mean I donā€™t expect you to but Iā€™m town nya

Why donā€™t u expect me to? Nya

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I know. Why do you think I want Derps out of Janeā€™s null list?

Thereā€™s still at least 35 players I have no clue on. Hopefully this wonā€™t be my problem.

why am i being trivia blasted?
jake (obvious choice so i wont count it)
besides from that anyone who i had sus on has died via guns so i dont really have anything atm lol. i havent read back anything cause i dont really wanna iso 4 threads all at once especially with 69 people.
i have more town reads such as may, kana, Meme, Apoc.

i just dont have alot of scum reads at this point of time

Surely we can just backread Spewfia

You said nothing I took as insulting.

because how would you find me? Like, if you knew my meta accurately enough you could find me off of not giving up rn and a lot of the unfiltered posts now

but if you donā€™t know that, then like
the reads Iā€™ve given so far are probably ~fakeable as wolf for me, in the amount Iā€™ve done them (though. perhaps not with my real life time-constraints, but you canā€™t know that)

plus my whole d1 is just removed so like. yeah

I still felt pretty rude

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Im actually gonna do this my time has come

However, several people failed to do as much, despite this clearly being a good move.

@Jarek, if you would wish to read people, perhaps you could read leafia for spew?

Thatā€™s okay. If you did, you can improve in other engagements. Thank you for the apology.

Nah i will im goot at spewfia hunting

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tbh its not removed. your day 1 is iceTā€™s day 1

This probably isnā€™t a good idea.

Then do as much.

If Hippo is doing that, perhaps you could skim him instead?

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