FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

villa shot? what do you mean?

Marl was absolutely not a villa shot. He was green checked and the shot was not claimed.

VOTE: benguin

honestly getting convined by brak aaaa

Like I think a villa shot marl.

iā€™m ok just shooting at katze poe honestly.

Its ok i was planning on entering boats today anyway and suicide to it

I would like to remind people that circumstantially the exaxt same thing happened last year where the townies who townread me died and then i was poe forced to enter a death event.

And that in big mashes this literally how I play. Link here for last year FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Fact some people are getting very easy passes is obvious sign of agenda


marl was greenchecked

oh wait he was checked? mb then

TMI imo

brak did you shoot marl

eh could have been missed but yeah it wasnt claimed so prolly wolf

Someone i think

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marl claimed to have basically no hp left and wolves had a shot that did exactly 5 hp.

that is all.


i c.

wait huh

@Daeron can I shoot Dum in ITAs btw

How did somany people have shots last night

Thats truly one of the replies of all time