FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 3 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
4 Brakuren BradLand, Ashlyn, Jane, CarrotyReaper
3 benguinedparbecue bystander, Frostwolf103, nutella
2 Baudib1 Creature, neil_the_eel
2 Dum Artemis, Baudib1
1 Frostwolf103 Zone_Q11
1 SilverKeith Kelsier
1 Hazardwaste Apocryphal
1 Meuh Millium
1 Ash an_gorta_slanktai
1 Kelsier Manny
1 Marluna WindwardAway
43 Not Voting Achromatic, Ari, Ash, ash4fun, Atlas, beancat, benguinedparbecue, Bionic, carbonated, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Daeron, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kanave, katze, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, Meuh, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SilverKeith, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, May, Brakuren
Raw VC for the plugin

Brakuren (4): BradLand, Ashlyn, Jane, CarrotyReaper
benguinedparbecue (3): bystander, Frostwolf103, nutella
Baudib1 (2): Creature, neil_the_eel
Dum (2): Artemis, Baudib1
Frostwolf103 (1): Zone_Q11
SilverKeith (1): Kelsier
Hazardwaste (1): Apocryphal
Meuh (1): Millium
Ash (1): an_gorta_slanktai
Kelsier (1): Manny
Marluna (1): WindwardAway

Not Voting (43): Achromatic, Ari, Ash, ash4fun, Atlas, beancat, benguinedparbecue, Bionic, carbonated, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Daeron, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Jinrou, Kanave, katze, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, Meuh, pandora, Ranta, Selkie, SilverKeith, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, May, Brakuren

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

I think that’s a reasonable concern for a villager to have. You’re discrediting yourself when you don’t need to be.

i could kll meuh tbh but if thats v im gonna frowny face emoji at wisp

oh kelsier is voting sk
that makes me feel better about randomly voting them

(as a wolf)

(as town)

(the last point goes to your argument)

regardless of ai (fam3 you tr frost, that one weird jackal game you tr frost) you usally do state something on them being more likely town then otherwise
you not doing anything of the sort here either means a. you’re correct and they’re mafia b. something odd is going on



My confidence in that is gone.

Yeah I vaguely remember that she at least partly claimed a pelt but cannot for the life of me remember any of the details because I haven’t been reading much of the game


Why’s that?

You’re an exception. “Self Concious” posts have usually got me into trouble.

was 10 bucks on steam really worth this

m,e too its ok

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Not at all. That was Stick/Katze/me/others

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why it raises my confidence
or why im randomly voting them?

I pushed for Alexandra to be shot in ITA1 before she was consensus afterwards, and she had a weak case on me when I was under pressure before ITA1 as well.

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i didnt even know it was steam i thought it was 10 bronanas straight up

gocj iirc

he really wanted me to read the case

(Devils advocate this time to the letter)

Ok but consider that if I was a wolf I would totally raise this same point. What changed?

good to know, i was around the ITA window in which they were vocal in particular

as someone else that got paid for it
yes it was