FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

yea that was the 1 game and it was 7 months ago

and I only got TR cuz I was dumb

some of the things he said seem to come from a villager pov.

i still think i’d have him as poe tho.

i tred you in this game :curtain:

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which felt bad

if you have a suggestion for my amne guess today please shoot me a shot nya

We should kill Manny for not knowing what joycat weakened means!!! WTF!!!


thanks :slight_smile:


I know i am hindering it and i am really fucking sorry.
can we figure out kana’s ability through the first night info?

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i hate it here

town of salem the famous first person shooter that stayed away from the generic mafia formula all games use

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“each day, gain a reworked ability of a blood on the clocktower character”

n1 you got savant, n2 you got drunk

Everyone knows ToS is mech bashing not mafia

we can’t, im aware.

don’t be afraid mate. it’s fine.

I thought they were a tracker, just saw the powerful role and felt “don’t kill that yet”

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This role is mech clear, this one is mech clear, …

Ok let’s be for real is Nutella mafia

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i can see a world of nut!w if we are in jinrou!v world

(im not defending u tho bc i think ur being -ev rn soz)

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