FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

alright fuck it we ball

Yeah that’s funny because I’m Jailor

Alright we’ll see

i love when my literal first post reads are correct

he destroyed kiiruma/leafia

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remember my 1 in bys / brak read from d1 that like 3 people gave me shit 2 days for

i 'member

why don’t you do work and find out :sob:

wait i thought itas were in 2 and a half hours

murder session plus association read on kiiruma leafia yesterday

@katze can we not rattle pandora until they check in. im also like 60% sure someone flips town but im not fonna shield that

i mean technicallym y role has a public and visible effect?


I mark him very slight townlean then, this may help my PoE section I am in

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they caught the whole leafia fake poison thing

it was clutch

they’re lock

Creature doesn’t attempt to read sometimes.

i’m right
day actions start at 5pm not itas
i might die to a day action but :joy_cat: if so

How easily could this info be framed? Would it be able to be manipulated by extremely standard non-bastard mech (nothing that causes false results, just makes you assume something incorrectly), or would you need some kind of false investigative result, a literal framer, for it to be false?

I am sure I saw you fluffposting during the night!

Thread is like 50000 posts my guy

yeah but the “sweetie your shield expires, town it up” came after