FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

well, since you asked nicely, i guess i’ll wait til thread 6

Ah yes, helpful gn

factional me before then too

this doesn’t explain when

what timezone are you in

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yes ma’am :saluting_face:

I hate trying to look at likes and accidentally liking a post… like sorry to whoever made that post but I’m just nosy I’m not trying to compliment you…



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“hey if i liked your post, fuck you, no i didn’t <3”


Last phase 2nd ita

I’m pst

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@Someone this is a callout I just did this to one of your posts don’t go thinking it was that great

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@Atlas have you used any of your bonus super likes today?



not a single one

i have 5 base superlikes and 6 bonus


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Ari I saw you shot someone what’s going with you rn here

i am still trying to find a towny reason why we should use these. from all i have seen mafia roles benefit more to being liked then town roles

i act twice if i get three

wait more then 1 person shot me?