FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3


…I can read.

VOTE: ashlyn

okay, okay, okay, ill elaborate… meanie.


Didn’t like this vote, reminded me of Leafia’s vote on Carroty in that both were TMI-y in a similar way

Didn’t like these posts either

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i think this could point to crazy not knowing that fake poison is a thing that exists?


It could yeah
But it’s also what wolves want to make Town believe so~

I’m fine with holding off on crazynuto for now

baudib1 - shielded me for a bit, which was nice, they didnt really have to do that. they were also the vote that pushed tutuu into being the majority wagon at eod1. good vibes.
hazard - good vibes. ive enjoyed realtiming with them. i dont know if that makes them town, but it makes me not want to kill them.
zone - i feel like everyone just slapped firinn with effort = clear and never really subscribed to that. except for when i do it. you should clear me for my effort. also, zone is doing that thing he does (did?) sometimes where he feels like hes being cleared for stupid reasons and so wants to spite everyone that does it so they never try to do it again, so hes a tl instead of a tr.

@zoneq11 if you’re around for next ITAs we could use your ability to t sr if Gorta can be hit.

also i really hope this is getting passed around in informed specchat and dead chat and everyone is making fun of me for being shit at the game.

Oh yeah I just checked the flips from ITAs
You guys should just confirm me as town cause both tutuu and hehehaha voted me immediately for the alignment peek thingy tbh

ignoring a nai shield, the vote pushing doesnt really matter? at the time, you could see people noticably losing their faith in tutuu and questioning them. its a thing a good wolf would do.

but you townread them. wouldnt you know whether or not that makes them town?

nobody thinks that the effort firinn did was what cleared him. if they did everyone would townread me and i’d be bathing in a bathtub of blood because i got stabbed n1
he was townread because of their general arguments towards other people, and showing genuine extremely strong belief in his ideals and reads.
your read on zone is just spite

Also someone said not Chaos to me I’ll try to find it

Idk I think it’s a good shot

This probably is interesting in terms of the EoD wagons?

I’m not paying enough attention to say how this second, though.

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@jane was sadbi

No someone today

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it isnt, to me

its irrelevantly thrown out mocking of wolves to sound like town

Eh but they also only said it after Leafia flipped. I don’t think it’s super indicative, because it would’ve almost certainly been said in leafchat “Let’s poison wolfia so she looks town because she’s poisoned” but IDK

all i could find is what people were repeating sadbi saying