FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

@zoneq11 if you’re around for next ITAs we could use your ability to t sr if Gorta can be hit.

also i really hope this is getting passed around in informed specchat and dead chat and everyone is making fun of me for being shit at the game.

Oh yeah I just checked the flips from ITAs
You guys should just confirm me as town cause both tutuu and hehehaha voted me immediately for the alignment peek thingy tbh

ignoring a nai shield, the vote pushing doesnt really matter? at the time, you could see people noticably losing their faith in tutuu and questioning them. its a thing a good wolf would do.

but you townread them. wouldnt you know whether or not that makes them town?

nobody thinks that the effort firinn did was what cleared him. if they did everyone would townread me and i’d be bathing in a bathtub of blood because i got stabbed n1
he was townread because of their general arguments towards other people, and showing genuine extremely strong belief in his ideals and reads.
your read on zone is just spite

Also someone said not Chaos to me I’ll try to find it

Idk I think it’s a good shot

This probably is interesting in terms of the EoD wagons?

I’m not paying enough attention to say how this second, though.

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@jane was sadbi

No someone today

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it isnt, to me

its irrelevantly thrown out mocking of wolves to sound like town

Eh but they also only said it after Leafia flipped. I don’t think it’s super indicative, because it would’ve almost certainly been said in leafchat “Let’s poison wolfia so she looks town because she’s poisoned” but IDK

all i could find is what people were repeating sadbi saying

i just got horrible deja vu when trying to write a shotlist

we have 58 m and nobody thought up anything

i think ranta is rand v and dont wanna include her


im town, so why bother shielding me if theyre scum?

i still think it comes from a villager more often than not. i think with KP, especially the kind that tutuu was, scum would generally try as hard as possible to keep that shit hidden, even with a backup. cause now we’re pretty much not using super likes and theyve lost a kill option that mightve netted them a few more kills.

i cant know anything until they flip or game ends or whatever. i assume it does. is it the strongest read? no. am i touting it as my strongest read? also no.

i can go reread but overall i dont think it matters because hes probably just town and it doesnt really matter if its a tl or a tr when its mass thread consensus with people saying to never re-eval

… perhaps.


If you want some updated reads:

May/Brakuren is an interesting pairing, kinda feels like there should be exactly 1 wolf in there a lot but … idk. Was an interesting exchange with them earlier arguing over Porscha claim stuff.

If I were to Occam’s Razor and ignore other people’s reads on them, I’d say Brakuren’s line makes more sense but May seems REALLY pure in real time. Daeron was fairly convinced Brakuren was a wolf but backed off it; May is a noted wolf player who is constantly talking down their ability.

inconclusive; 40% W/V (not sure which is more likely); 60% V/V

Meuh and Eliza just both feel like villas to me off tone/ease in thread.

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That was a fun one hour distraction. It made me forget to walk my dog

…so they appear as town when you flip.

its not a very polarized thing. people were gonna vote tutuu, and it was shifting that way. sacrifices had to be made and that was a decent time to cut ends

i dont know. i dont think im particularly spiteful against them?

No, it wasn’t spent.