It doesnt look like it’s usuable action
Welp now I know why she woke up at six
I’ll be more sporadic today
i mean generally miller type claims are going to claim early (ie asecetic, ita immune) because they realise their position itg and what it means. not claiming before ITAs start is -ev wholeheartedly
Oh no! good luck.
I wholeheartedly endorse Meuh she is an angel.
Idea was stolen from Tutuu’s legendary towncase.
It’s kind of a running joke that every new player must be an alt.
My Ritual Mafia PTSD is kicking in hard.
Panic time (I am straight and mafia).
/in @FAMHost
Will take satisfaction in everyone getting my drawings almost instantly.
I got 7th.
I’d argue strongly against this, but ¯\(ツ)/¯.
Slightly annoyed that FoL doesn’t automatically scroll down because it means I can’t lurk on another monitor while doing something else.
Playerlist in the first post is alphabetical, and that’s probably just faster.
Mafia pushing mafia.
boob feels towny based solely on vibes but i havent paid too much attention to him yet
Just checked the thread again, and this is the first thing I see.
Felt that the joke worked better if there was more context.
If it’s any consolation, I missed it by a hair too.
Me when I mix up the event thread and the actual thread.
Hi back, I’m Ash.
Can confirm that Firinn is not an alt. Gummy and I have played with him before.
Snowed in?
Yes (they hard-carried me when I was Demon), but they did get fully read right after we secured victory.
I personally townread Firinn, but I’ll cross-reference his ISO with my previous game with him.
Maybe? I think it’s unlikely, but I’ll check.
Chat, all the mafia are in this list, so we just need to kill everyone here to win.
Forgot which game, but I remember town throwing her out the airlock after she admitted to lurking (which was cringe, but oh well).
I think “Brad is cringe” and “Brad is wolf” got distinguished. I personally agree that Brad is town: his messages seemed far too weird right out the gate to sensibly come from a wolf.
agnus has entered the thread.
benguined and I know her.
Let me finish the Firinn thing; been procrastinating.
Click the user icon at the top right.
Hit the down arrow at the bottom, and you’ll get a list of all notifications.
Can’t wait for it to be a 60-13-10 game (I forgot how many people are playing this game).
Ok, but what if I’m not a townie?
Hi you, I’m Ash!
Really dumb tinfoil: w!Windward’s role gets information about people that vote on them if 6 or fewer people vote for them, so they’re having one mafia member vote so they can claim to have gotten them as town.
Iirc, Windward claimed that one of those six is randomly chosen to get their alignment.
Having backread Firinn’s play during our game, I really think they’re just town here. In our game, they made it a point to centralize and control the flow of information, a stark contrast from his playstyle here. Combine this with - in my view - a towny train of thought regarding the Windward situation, and I’m more than willing to file them as town.
I want to pull Firefly, but I desperately need Jade for Pure Fiction, and I only have 90 pulls saved at the moment. I do have pity, though, so if 2.3 gives enough Jades, I can just ball and hope for the best (which isn’t saying much given that I’ve lost every single 50/50 since the Ruan Mei banner).
RNG it.
Herta is the only good Erudition unit I have for PF. No Himeko, Jing Yuan, or Argenti.
/In @FAMHost
They’ll let you know soon.
Not yet. Will do so when the event’s over.
Did it just delete ash4fun’s vote and replace it with Apo’s?
Oh, ok.
Thought for a second that Windward’s ability capped things at six votes or something.
[stuffs Gocj into my pocket]
Consuming food?
Wolfy behavior, kill 'em.
Just…have you considered breathing?
I think you’re taking this far more seriously than everyone else is.
Like, if people’s lives depended on it, you’d be able to coordinate things, but I don’t think people care about optimization as much as they enjoy clowning around, especially given that it’s D1.
Can we all just calm down?
No roles, just town and mafia.
Welcome back to hell. We hope you enjoy your stay here.
Roggenrola > Geodude.
Is it possible to see all players’ post counts without counting them individually? The thing at the top doesn’t do for everyone.
Was hoping it was automated, but I suppose it’s still fairly fast.
With how antsy people are getting, D2’s gonna be a bloodbath.
Every time I see “EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT”, my flight-or-flight kicks in to join.
Working on it.
Who is Manny?
I will probably do the same when I actually focus on this game.
We are all the same person on different alt accounts.
Isn’t that an expected damage of 20?
I’d like to avoid another “Luka in Stellaris” incident.
#7 has aged badly.
I have several questions.
You think it’s a suicide-poison role, or is this a “who should the healer heal” thing?
What’s the case on Marl?
Didn’t get a chance to backread everything from yesterday, but I remember not liking their reaction when Firinn initially pushed Wazza.
Tutuu did something like this with May in Popcorny, so it’s not entirely out of their range.
…would’ve been nice to remember that before I replied directly to Apo.
WindwardAway (6): Daeron, Wazza, Apocryphal, Dum, Leafia, Jane
One of the six randomly gets it.
I just now realized I was a role.
some of your games (such as Legend of Zelda Mafia) have been criticized as being “board game[s] that occasionally had vague overtones of mafia.”
It was the one game! One!
Without any abilities, everyone has 100 HP, and an ITA shot deals 10.
A shot can either kill the target or deal damage. The chance of killing the target is its damage divided by the target’s health. If that fails, it deals its set amount of damage.
My question is why the wolves chose to kill SPF of all people.
Greatly appreciate you taking up doing this, btw.
I imagine there are consequences to ITAing them.
Fits the profile picture for sure.
Hi not a fan, I’m Ash.
Someone in the collective towncore compiles a list of general suspicions, ranks them, and posts them. Everyone else then shoots accordingly, from most wolfy to least.
From what I understand, it’s usually categories, and you shoot anyone in the lowest category where there’s at least one person alive.
There’s a really good article someone sent to Carbonated in the signup thread that goes over this much better, but in essence, the lists are written by a consensus townread on people wildly considered to scum, ranging in specific categories (it’d probably be, like, 2/3 categories that together contain around 8-10 people).
Having played with Brakuren before, I’m pretty sure they’d choose not to rhyme given the choice.
I’m trying to multitask this game and my HW, and I have ended up doing neither.
I think it is just v!Frost and w!Carbonated.
It’s still a lean - I don’t have much to go on - but they’ve been fairly conservative with their posting, and it aligns with the wolfgame that I have on record for them.
May and Hazard should have access to that game if they want to double-check me on that.
Pretty much, it’s “remove your top three townreads, and pass it on to your top townread who hasn’t gone yet.”
Average person has 100.
/In @FAMHost
Probably too late, but oh, well.
I barely beat you. You played really well.
My goal is to not fire first and instead just follow the crowd.
Oh, yeah, @Atlas, the Geoguesser game gave me a potion that gives my ITA shots +5 damage for the day. Don’t have to use it immediately, but I will probably just do so now because I don’t want to die holding onto it.
Hippo nearly beat me.
Have fun!
a potion that gives my ITA shots +5 damage for the day
I have used the potion.
5 seconds until a massacre.
Someone ping me when this all cools down.
FAMHost isn’t automated; it’s literally the half-dozen GMs scrambling to catch up to things.
There’s either some strong chicanery going on here, or this is gonna be one heckuva backread through mafia chat.
Finally caught up.
Hoo boy, this is a mess.
Do we only get 1 ITA shot for an entire day?
What does the shot list look like now?
Alternatively, I can wait until the next ITA window; potion lasts the entire day.
Didn’t he instantly shoot Kiiruma, exposing the W/W theater?
If your role is Arete, please claim so I can shoot you. I want to be able to say that all the QBCord roles died before we hit N2 (the Ash role, the benguined role, and the Gummy role are all dead).
Still amazed ya’ll got Leafia because I had them as a townread.
Should’ve ITAed him for the comedy.
Oh, fun, an Enigmatic role.
Does this game have hammer?
[vote]Jake[vote], then.
For which event?
Oh, yeah, what came of that?
Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there’s, like, 18-20 wolves in this game.
Like, that’s an entire game worth of wolves in this one mash.
Where was the modpost, btw?
Who would feel confident enough to coach?
I enjoyed The Witch from Mercury. Hit me.
No, like, coaching is a very specific thing that very few people on this site can do. If we establish that Leafia’s been coached, that gives us a strong list of potential wolfreads to work with.
Yeah, you’re right. It could have just been Leafia.
…can I see the train of thought on this? Atlas is my highest townread at the moment (aside from Zone).
With every use of the NEIL THE SEAL OF APPROVAL, you should add to its length.
Chat, is this a full mental breakdown or just kinda a mental breakdown? (/j)
Yes. They and Kiiruma were mafia.
I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t even realize Italy got ITAed until I checked the OP ten seconds ago.
We should vote out the hosts.
That’s a way more effective weight-loss regiment than anything else on the market.
You should sell it.
My only point of reference for Dum is his village performance in Ritual Mafia, and that feels like an outlier in that he was all but confirmed town within that game.
At least you don’t have to match syllabi or a meter per line.
Like, imagine being told you have to write all your stuff as Shakespearean sonnets, with the correct rhyme scheme and in iambic pentameter.
Yeah, I feel like most people want to be in every event by virtue of events being fun. It’s not worthy of a scumread on its own.
May said they were holding onto what they got.
No, it’s just them being funny.
/In @FAMHost
Me when the fight-or-flight mode kicks in.
Reading takes too long.
You have to act fast to get into the events.
This post was not given the NEIL THE SEAL OF APPROVAL.
Who survived the last ITA despite efforts to kill them?
Ok, I was thinking of Cape for some reason.
Debating whether I should use my shot here or just wait ‘til tomorrow afternoon.
We’re only half an hour away, though.
Never mind, then.
Italy, Leafia, and Kiiruma, in reverse order.
Who else but Neil the seal who doesn’t yield to eels?
Sure, we won’t.
Sure, we won’t.
Sure, we won’t.
Sure, we w-
Why is the VC still linking posts? I woke up to 23 notifications.
18-20, probably.
Doubt it’s more unless there’re a bunch of Goons, and doubt it’s less unless we’ve got a wild number of 3Ps.
The shots missed.
I find it kinda funny that you haven’t marked yourself as town.
I remember people townreading him last night, so check the previous thread.
Have a safe flight!
There should be more games that do what Persona does.
Ok, so it’s apparently not “climate change”.
Alexandra (wolf) and Magnus (town) died in ITA 2.
Pfps-wise, Greninja/Ash-Greninja, Leafia, Uraraka, ??, and Cinderace/Scorbunny.
It probably is.
It’s Morse Code.
How’d you get “Order”?
They were signups 31, 6, 14, 25, and 20.
Nice job!
Nutella got a night vig from the event.
Ok; I’ll probably shoot Gori, then? I remember someone mentioned that if [person; forgot who] is town, then Gori has to be mafia.
Duly noted.
Who was the other person, though?
What’s the case on Ranta, then?
Should I shoot them, then?
I really just need some direction here.
No; I held my shot because I was offline for most of it, and it was too tumultuous to determine who would be the best shot.
Bro is on a hero-shooting spree.
I mean, I could shoot ‘em.
Would be extremely funny.
I am currently working on schoolwork and trying to figure out who to shoot.
Debating between Gori and benguined.
Who do I shoot?
@FAMHost, ITA benguinedparbecue.
We are omnipresent.
Wait, were they mafia?
Graveyard hasn’t been updated yet.
It failed, and Jake claimed it was because Brad is a Guild Leader.
They also had three ITA shots on them miss.
What did crazynuto claim?
Sadbi’s already got enough to be killed by Tutuu’s role.
I mean, I superliked Catbae D1 and May D2.
We’re trying to figure things out under the assumption that nuto’s telling us the truth.
Heavy wolf energy.
Millium’s stated that they’ll be waiting at EoD if Jake jumps off.
We are not winning Best Town Performance for this game.
Why a wagon if we’re not expecting them to be voted out?
My tinfoil on Marluxion defies reason and persists.
Ok, but consider: it was extremely funny.
Claimed wolf, shot a widely-townread player, claimed said player was a Guild leader when they’re not in a guild, and had three ITA shots on them miss.
Plot twist: this is just one giant game of BotC.
I think everyone’s just on edge.
Should we play SPF’s Ash role, then?
Saving this as a future Music League theme.
Some Western dueling music.
Take your pick.
Was ITA 1 not entertaining enough for you?
I shall return to lurking, then.

Text-based role cards are easier to parse, but image-base role cards are more interesting to share.

As a player, text-based role cards.
As a GM, image-based role cards.

The image-based first to see it, then the text-based one to understand what the role actually does.

I, uh, forgot to do that event.
And the Sheep event.
And all the Guild propaganda events.
My attention span is at rock-bottom.

I didn’t open SPF’s role until later; I was mainly focused on Tutuu flipping mafia.

I don’t remember, Zug; I just remember processing that SPF was town and then realizing that they were me when I went back to see what their role did.

Check the homie thread for that.

Wait, never mind, that’s the villa post you’re mentioning.
Me when literacy.

I understand the logic, and I don’t have much of a response to that aside from me just making an assumption about my logic based on remembering myself seeing SPF as town, then realizing they were me when I went back to read their role.

Wait, when did Brakuren stop rhyming?

Can’t wait for this to somehow end up becoming game-relevant.

I think two shots into an angel is enough to confirm them as such.


Kork’s been on the shotlist for a good while, haven’t they?

Ok, never mind.

Am I allowed to veto myself?

Truly 1948.

Three mafia got killed.
We’re on a roll.

It’s over for the “Brakuren eating a shoe” fandom.

Really want to shoot Carbonated solely because it determines whether my scumreads were majority right or majority wrong.

Three shots on them missed.


May, you have my name, and that’s probably enough to figure out where I live.

Something funny.

Four hours.

Hoo boy.

What’s the role?

I’m at the point in my sanity arc where I can’t tell whether May’s being serious.

Get some rest.

What does any of this mean?

They are, and they flipped mafia.
The joke is that May had them as a townlean.

I feel like we could’ve made better use of that, but I say this as someone who firmly wasted the nighttalk.

Mods, kill this man with hammers.


Just now realizing I got ITAed thrice during the second window.

Ok, I was apparently only shot twice.
Me when I have to count.

Millium’s a strong townread, and Jane is probably a townread.
No thoughts on Hallia or Beancat.

Scroll to the OP, then click on “Died [phase]”.

No, I think they’re saying that they’ll save the post and send it during a brief window during the ITA period.

Pandora and Hippo, both mafia.

Don’t worry.
You will be wounded further.

Artemis was, and they’re probably town.
But they also shot me, and I have an obligation to bully my fellow QBCord members.

Took me a bit too long to realize this is the film version and not the theater version.

I dunno, I’ve been posting more than I would have as wolf? Firmly feeling like I’ve been floating along this entire game.

I don’t know. Combinatorics Mafia had me as one of the lowest posters, but I also was just incredibly busy during that time and couldn’t play nearly as much as I wanted to.
The only other scum game I have on this site is SFoL 70, and I don’t remember my posting being that substantive.

Like, I have this game open on a different monitor while working on other things, so I’m not making reads on more than just moment-to-moment vibes.

Paradox Hazard (town game):
Paradox Hazard - GAME OVER - MAFIA VICTORY!SFoL (mafia game):
SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

I’ll try, but I don’t remember half the people in this game.

It’s in an hour and a half.
he claimed conditional RB earlier acc so its probs a lie
neil is wolfy i am gonna tunnel it
Someone ping me and ita shit list, I’ll be at work but I’ll hop outside to snipe a shot
im shotting you tomrow when we extrea damage shot is charged up again
is ITA shotlist looking like CNG/carbonated/ash now?
agreed. breakfast hate is a wolf practice.
oh day 4
can i choose hazard? he kinda reminds me of paradox but ill rechekc in a sec
yes so if you are ita immune and don’t do it. why. was kind of my point
i think there is probably a type of player who could get away with it - the people who are like, always super towny or what have you who will have wolves gunning for them. but it’s a small type and from play gorta doesn’t seem like that type
i meant shot
ok but let me claim Mafia JOAT 1x Dayvig 1x Poison 1x Vigilante first ok?
we’re giving hazzy a day