FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Look like i said before i dont pick people.

Second cookie overall and things didn’t change which meant I had to be the same faction as the first cookie which was joycat nomads

ok cute cool. whos wolf with selkie fypov?

ok is it artimis instead

Hate to say I told you so

someone (not the user) said earlier that they know you as a villa to be a lot more influencing and proactive

do you disagree with that? if they’re correct, why are you hanging so low?

Is now a good time to talk about my pet wolfreads?

Ashlyn and Millium

They’ve felt a bit weird to me all game but I admittedly haven’t looked very closely. When I was backreading earlier I saw the word that describes how I feel; They’ve been pushing agenda.

lmk if I’m entirely off base, and I’m not hero shooting today either way, but I do want to collectively consider them

To be fair

I just got back to thread

The only reason people scum read me is

“They could be wolf Jailor”

Like lol. I disprove this by showing the Porscha quote, showing my condition (Player defends unallied player) is truthful, and that condition is >rand Town

ah yeah that. i remember early d1 and being very obvious.

im tired, jan.

What agenda have a pushed, I’ve barely pushed anything cept two people who j think could go deep

what porscha quote could you show it

That i cannot give a good answer about. I have not been looking to see whos aligned with who. Like overall im a better town reader than mafia (i think the odds really supoort me on that front) so i cant think of another name that feels off. I can say some town reads if thay helps. But i think a majority already think that so i dont think its much of a help

is it time to start doomering now or

list em and a bit abt why? esp any spicy ones

Why, we are bound to hit some town now, given there probably is only like 5-7 wolves left?

yeah, there’s like 6 wolves left and 50 villas. i think we’re gonna lose 100%…


i like doomering

if Carb is wolf then Ashlyn’s defence doesn’t look great (if they’re town though it’s probably fine)
I haven’t read much of Ashlyn in general but I think there was something else that mildly bugged me there

but I’d rather evaluate more sus slots rn

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