FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

meta is for weak-minded individuals, you don’t see me try to talk the same way

its like a mafia slur

Char peek


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Devils advocate: It’s entirely possible ash thinks that’s what happened but actually did something else. I have been known to half hazardly skim flips and do bullshit like this and then look like an idiot later when it’s obvious my version of things (which im fucking convinced is true) makes no sense.


I passed out


Ok I’ma stop posting in case of activity vig

I understand the logic, and I don’t have much of a response to that aside from me just making an assumption about my logic based on remembering myself seeing SPF as town, then realizing they were me when I went back to read their role.


did you pass out or did you fall asleep after 14 hours of being awake

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You might need the help. :eyes:

Apo is alive. There is not acitivity vig

I’m not going anymore where what looks like a slip, in a game of mafia unless it’s like an obvious slip, as for an answer to why that convo happened that way if Ash is town, ya idk


im pretty sure all three of them were reading me v
so uh
checkmate liberal

i had forgotten apo existed ngl

What kind of opinion are you wanting out of me?

(I love all three characters, but I’m bad at judging if they’re well built)

Yeah he can read women alright


You’re very aware of how that looks.

Town Activity vig flipped.

What the fuck are you talking about