FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

if they are well built

Are you trying to spew Insomnia W

(they are i wanted to flex)

I didn’t mess with the event because I eventually passed out due to feeling bad

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Skill issue

behave or begone.



I feel like today’s ITAs are gonna be shit with all town leaders dead

Im just praying to the heavens jane ar achro pop up before eod :joy_cat:

i am just calling brad a fuppy

before ita1 not eod*

S k i l l I s s u e

This is called trusting good players, this has nothing to do with Brad’s meta

why does TOWN have an acitivty vig

also why tf would you be scared of town activity vig?

Wait, when did Brakuren stop rhyming?


this game makes no fucking sense

  1. I cant spew
  2. I literally dont know who insomnia