FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Ok but I did not read that as Atlas outing a kp role at all
It wasn’t worded exactly like that

you killed stick, right?

Then why did you call it a wolfy post, if you believed it and it’s traditional for you?

because a hood vig is kinda broken

yes, the answer is no. there is no way for me to reply to this in one word without ambiguity i love the english language

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Can someone who is actually familiar with Dum tell me if I’m wasting my time with this argument?

MY LAST WOLF GAME I SEVERELY DROPPED OFF!!! im not saying i cant post a lot as wolf but its decreasing drastically generally

What I believe is someone has to say it because it has happenned before. Not because I think (or don’t think) it’s necessarely what’s happening here.

And historically, I have a tendency to be the guy that points out this type of thing

not really if it does not roleblock/protect the target.

The English language is glorious

Dum V

this feels as sheepable as when i claim im volume cleared here :joy_cat:

can we stop asking me stupid questions like “did you kill SPK target” the answer is no

fair, they wouldn’t be the first person I shoot here.

Because people tell me it’s wolfy

Nope im veteran but i kill ppl who ita me instead of night visitors

I just put kids to bed and showered

getting to investigate and decide if you wanna shoot or spare your target is pretty strong

it’s not a tos role we already went over this.

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ok but you 1000 posted anni, and i died to d3 itas in pokemash. we are nto the same