FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

Same <3

We’ll get there

i remember reading smth about jane cc’ing someone
idr if it was brakuren though

FUCK this isoing give me sometrhing else to do

oh god please fuck no oh fuck oh no

Blonde girl person claimed a red check on brak, brak claimed a overly complicated “conditonal kinda ToS jailor but not really” role and blonde rescinded the redcheck. Also a lot of people pressed X to doubt on the jailor claim

filthy pocketer


give me a readlist and why?

even though im actively trying to get you killed? :pleading_face::point_right::point_left:

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wait where was it rescinded

oh there’s a red check?

they and benguin should be our primary shots then

wtf stop trying to kill innocent child silverkeith

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brakuren said they rescinded it, but tbf I didn’t double check I just kinda assumed

dyachei… read that again

Daeron suppose to claimed it, but I believe that got rescinded?

I wouldn’t kill Jarek.

did you even finish reading my post

oh wait I missed the rescinded part


Only fucking shit I leave thread for 2 seconds and there is already anti-Brakuren propaganda lmao

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speak of the devil

we are very dedicated here at WolvesTM to frame you.

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