FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

…the timing is too impeccible…


holy fucking shit I’m tired. sorry i missed the rescinded part

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I told you already, this is a waste of time, we should silent day vig them and be done with it

you know how I roll

go to bed

Here’s my Hot take submission:

Dyachei and Daeron are w/w

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i was gonna type the whole pl and put them in null tier but thats too much effort

they cant, they must lead this village :hmmyes:

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i cant, still waiting to eat dinner and this is the only free time I get to be in thread

boiling take, but I respect it

not a red check.

just mech info. and it mostly got cleared up.

could go either way.

basically someone claimed mech and to know part of their role.
they claimed a weird variation of tos jailor (create a hood with someone for a night and be able to execute them if you want) and to have killed porscha with it.

jane claimed to have killed porscha as well with an event vig.

they could have overlapped. no way of knowing.

yeah I’ve been actively towncoring you since D1. I think your progression on me is ok it’s just that you don’t know me.

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brakuren was seen on cameras fleeing the scene of a horrific tragedy on 11/12/1977. wolf behavior pass it along

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gori i hate to break it to u but if you dont have anything productive to put into this fucking game youre going into the shotlist. prove yourself a villager or die.

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awh <3
im still going to kill you though but awh <3

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what r ur thots on me shielding u all game

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the accuser themselves used the word redcheck, I think im justified in using it

When I mentioned the rescinded part, I haven’t seen a reply this quick