FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

who has advantage what

I love watching people argue with their wolf read about how their wolf read could be a wolf

I know it’s more for everyone else to determine alignment but still

Imagine trying to convince someone that no, they are in fact a wolf

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can i claim my role or am i just gonna get executed by firing squad

nah. is villager. sorry.

I mean i dont know much a out this game to say this with confidence they could be town for all i know. But the person i get the bad vibe from the most during the time i seen people interact is selkie. But its nothing im able to point to. It could have been just bad timming for some of their posts which im willingy to give benefit of doubt cus i think out of everyone in this game i have the worst timing as town cus people read me bad for it.

It’s not “you are a wolf”, it’s “you are not lock town, stop treating everybody who suspects you like an idiot”

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guise i think we are in the stage of the game that the POE flips villa.

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I mean you need to see how somebody defends themself in the face of their accusations even if it’s silly :P

Look like i said before i dont pick people.

Second cookie overall and things didn’t change which meant I had to be the same faction as the first cookie which was joycat nomads

ok cute cool. whos wolf with selkie fypov?

ok is it artimis instead

Hate to say I told you so

someone (not the user) said earlier that they know you as a villa to be a lot more influencing and proactive

do you disagree with that? if they’re correct, why are you hanging so low?

Is now a good time to talk about my pet wolfreads?

Ashlyn and Millium

They’ve felt a bit weird to me all game but I admittedly haven’t looked very closely. When I was backreading earlier I saw the word that describes how I feel; They’ve been pushing agenda.

lmk if I’m entirely off base, and I’m not hero shooting today either way, but I do want to collectively consider them

To be fair

I just got back to thread

The only reason people scum read me is

“They could be wolf Jailor”

Like lol. I disprove this by showing the Porscha quote, showing my condition (Player defends unallied player) is truthful, and that condition is >rand Town

ah yeah that. i remember early d1 and being very obvious.

im tired, jan.

What agenda have a pushed, I’ve barely pushed anything cept two people who j think could go deep