FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3


FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 3 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
6 gori Artemis, Jane, Hallia, Baudib1, ash4fun, Yawn
4 Someone an_gorta_slanktai, nutella, WindwardAway, Frostwolf103
3 Ranta May, dyachei, Ephemera
2 Marluna neil_the_eel, Creature
2 carbonated Zone_Q11, Someone
1 Dum Meuh
1 Meuh Millium
1 Artemis bystander
1 Achromatic Jarek
25 Not Voting carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, gori, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Wazza, Apocryphal, beancat, Atlas, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, Dum, Ari, BradLand, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, Zugzwang
1 Unrecognized Ashlyn (for Unrecognized)
Raw VC for the plugin

gori (6): Artemis, Jane, Hallia, Baudib1, ash4fun, Yawn
Someone (4): an_gorta_slanktai, nutella, WindwardAway, Frostwolf103
Ranta (3): May, dyachei, Ephemera
Marluna (2): neil_the_eel, Creature
carbonated (2): Zone_Q11, Someone
Dum (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium
Artemis (1): bystander
Achromatic (1): Jarek
Unrecognized (1): Ashlyn

Not Voting (25): carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, gori, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Wazza, Apocryphal, beancat, Atlas, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, Dum, Ari, BradLand, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, Zugzwang

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

im not joining the funny dying event

actually not zelda mash.

it was batman themed event/mash.

Zelda we just emulated boatkill with a suicide arsonist with a suicide vest. (me)

ykw sure
@FAMHost /in

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Alright Jarek being roleblocked feels genuine.

I don’t know much about nutella, but I think that was a townsided shot so I am taking it.

Artemis greenchecking Marl doesn’t mean much for her. I remember someone tracked her to it, but I forgot who it was.

Kavane is meh.

Zugzwang’s claim is pretty believable.

Meh, now that Brakuren flipped town Jane can’t be cleared for shooting Porscha. Can only take the word from you all that Jane has been leading ITA shots into the right direction.

Jinrou is prob dying EOD/tonight so I won’t bother with them.

Someone choosing to shoot Atlas over SirDerpsAlot feels pretty meh, but I have no reason to call this bullshit yet.

I guess May is prob telling the truth about having their charges stolen N1 so likely town.

Ranta claiming doctor feels pretty fake, but might be just town FPS.

Eliza’s claim is prob real, or it’ll become clear they lied if Jinrou survives.

I trust Hallia here, although I am quite surprised she’d heal me.

Jinrou’s RB claim feels pretty meh, but they are self-resolving anyway.

carbonated’s claim is way too vague to make anything out of it.

Ash is probably real.

this works

why are we wishing

Then you must be scum :eye_in_speech_bubble:

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no reason

my role other than the action pickup one shot is useless anyway

we should probably force scummy people to join but skill issue

i just remember it killed a lot of people lol

Nah, I’m good. I have to become Magnus the Second when it comes to tracking ITAs.
Some player has got to color in those names, and it ain’t going to be Atlas nor May!


i will pick my time of death (full claiming to be killed by anticlaim)

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I don’t think that’s legal

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i mean yeah but we can fucking murder them if they dont

Nah, mafia will expect you to die in event so you wont get killed as easily.


Event participants:

  1. @Jinrou
  2. @Frostwolf103
  3. @ElizaThePsycho
  4. @Yawn
  5. @Zugzwang
  6. @carbonated

Two spots remain for BOATS. If the event has not filled by xx:45, it will start with however many participants we have.


oh dud boats

/in @FAMHost I’m invincible