FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

i am afraid of boats idek what they are



join boats

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i expect a dayvig as as prize if i survive

your prize is dying

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I feel like you have decent odds of being modkilled before you succeed tbh but idk if the hosts are for or against it but I feel like against

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I’d pick up lots of one shot items like a goblin hoarder

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hence the if i survive

/in @FAMHost


They picked a bad target for the other poison bc I was wolf reading leafia since d1


you’ve been awful blud. just go die in b0ats

(love you)


your prize is still dying

  1. @Jinrou
  2. @Frostwolf103
  3. @ElizaThePsycho
  4. @Yawn
  5. @Zugzwang
  6. @carbonated
  7. @Jarek
  8. @Artemis

You will all be added to the event topic shortly.

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The what


FAM4 if every remaining wolf joins boats and dies


return my boy jarek or i’m killing you all

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The mobile friendly part better have not been a lie.

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