FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

Everyone knows Hallia is the healer lmfao

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May is Lockwolf they had town at the bottom of their POE

Why Achromatic?

He hero shot Hippo, a hero shot by his own admission, he wasn’t on shotlist, Hippo flipped wolf. He has consistently murdered wolves literally every ITA session he’s been in.

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strange terminology but ok

hippo was on the shotlist

it’s definitely not, lmao

they poisoned creature… again, no offense, but there’s no reason to poison Creature from the MUer side, cuz we know he just high posts but has no influence

it’d only make sense if one of the MU vets was the wolf KP, but only dya fits that profile so far probably, and i’d argue even then they wouldn’t poison creature

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That’s great! I don’t care, as I’ve had them as wolfies time and again

I’m uncc’d poison healer and yet somehow still in poe my behind

I didn’t know Hallia was the healer. What’s Hallia’s role. I didn’t see it

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like i’m so sorry i really didn’t mean to pick frostwolf i almost died when i saw that i really meant to pick eliza i swear anything

oh you mean players?

They also might as well have shot Kii lol

i thought u meant flavor

Hallia is the poison healer? I did not know this, I was not aware of it, can you all stop yelling at me

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nah, players

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Alright this is pretty fair

Absolutely not

i meant this I swear

i really meant this not frostwolf

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this being from anyone else would be nai

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You who tells people to go f themselves? This is the biggest overreaction to a milquetoast correcting I’ve ever seen.