FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

You who tells people to go f themselves? This is the biggest overreaction to a milquetoast correcting I’ve ever seen.

ehhh thats a shit pool im staying on yeeting him

I find mashes extremely overwhelming and I need you all to like, be patient with me when I miss something, and not all yell at me at once, otherwise I will die

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one second

I say that as a joke!!! It’s a joke!!!


wtf guise may is my town IC (odd day) lover

May is 100% town, I just think messing with her is funny

In my mind it was an event prize but pretty sure Hallia is town outside of that anyway

I am genuinely having trouble right now, can you literally not?

Oh come on, you cant be joking.


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…why would this mean anything

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 3 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
7 Someone an_gorta_slanktai, nutella, WindwardAway, Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, neil_the_eel, Selkie
5 gori Artemis, Jane, ash4fun, Yawn, Someone
3 Marluna Creature, May, Baudib1
2 Ranta dyachei, Ephemera
2 May Hallia, SirDerpsAlot
1 Dum Meuh
1 Meuh Millium
1 Artemis bystander
1 Achromatic Jarek
22 Not Voting carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, gori, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Wazza, beancat, Atlas, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, Dum, Ari, BradLand, ChaosNinjaGaming, Zugzwang, Apocryphal
2 Unrecognized Ashlyn (for Unrecognized), CarrotyReaper (for Unvote)
Raw VC for the plugin

Someone (7): an_gorta_slanktai, nutella, WindwardAway, Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, neil_the_eel, Selkie
gori (5): Artemis, Jane, ash4fun, Yawn, Someone
Marluna (3): Creature, May, Baudib1
Ranta (2): dyachei, Ephemera
May (2): Hallia, SirDerpsAlot
Dum (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium
Artemis (1): bystander
Achromatic (1): Jarek
Unrecognized (1): Ashlyn
Unvote (1): CarrotyReaper

Not Voting (22): carbonated, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, gori, Jinrou, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Wazza, beancat, Atlas, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, Dum, Ari, BradLand, ChaosNinjaGaming, Zugzwang, Apocryphal

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

i looked for your readlist so i could evaluate what you said

could you ping yours for me? i missed it.

VOTE: Ephemera


we couldn’t coordinate it at all tho
…are you suspicious of Jarek for saving Eliza when they could have both Eliza/Jinrou die?

Something something creature getting poisoned means there’s less chance for MUers to be wolves?

I don’t know what goes on through insomnia’s braincase

I say it to my friends because it’s comically aggressive in a way that’s completely disproportionate to any situation!!! Because nobody will take it seriously!!!

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atlas-core btw

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