FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

j posted my explanation of why

i swear i sent eliza in the chat but sent the wrong one in dms

Everyone knows Hallia is the healer lmfao

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May is Lockwolf they had town at the bottom of their POE

Why Achromatic?

He hero shot Hippo, a hero shot by his own admission, he wasnā€™t on shotlist, Hippo flipped wolf. He has consistently murdered wolves literally every ITA session heā€™s been in.

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strange terminology but ok

hippo was on the shotlist

itā€™s definitely not, lmao

they poisoned creatureā€¦ again, no offense, but thereā€™s no reason to poison Creature from the MUer side, cuz we know he just high posts but has no influence

itā€™d only make sense if one of the MU vets was the wolf KP, but only dya fits that profile so far probably, and iā€™d argue even then they wouldnā€™t poison creature

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Thatā€™s great! I donā€™t care, as Iā€™ve had them as wolfies time and again

Iā€™m unccā€™d poison healer and yet somehow still in poe my behind

I didnā€™t know Hallia was the healer. Whatā€™s Halliaā€™s role. I didnā€™t see it

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like iā€™m so sorry i really didnā€™t mean to pick frostwolf i almost died when i saw that i really meant to pick eliza i swear anything

oh you mean players?

They also might as well have shot Kii lol

i thought u meant flavor

Hallia is the poison healer? I did not know this, I was not aware of it, can you all stop yelling at me

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nah, players

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Alright this is pretty fair

Absolutely not

i meant this I swear

i really meant this not frostwolf

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this being from anyone else would be nai

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