FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Lmao OwO

Yeah, I do feel like the list is too small, but so does the shooters

I did not want chaos or carbon to die, carbon I stated, but bitch me kept their mouth shut on chaos, because it wasn’t as strong

i also didn’t want carbonated dead owo

What’s the dark lord


@Creature has received a cookie!


what goes on nya

I only say that someone is a wolf because they’re the last remaining person from the shotslist of ita1

Would be surprising if they were all town


I was personally fine with carb as being kind of towny but was 100% ok with that bloodletting, sometimes it has to happen

i wouldn’t be surprised owo

Fuck if I know

when i started the game nya i had a ring that does things and if it’s used on the dark lord it kills the dark lord and destroys the ring nya

Was this part of your role, nya?


Just wait for my wheel of time mash!

nyo it was independant nya

at least it seems like it was?

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we’re playing FM

Selkie is playing an RPG



Never got into Wheel of Time tbh
