FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4


also arete has enough of our shit and kicked us out of the VC lmao

Ohh lmao, haha

no more 5 hour post game chat

i geniunely thought that was an amazing clue until meme brought up aries lmao

Did mafia have 2 backups? I guess 1 shot gravedigger vs true backup is different

Nah it was trash

wazza /frost not w/w :wowee:

Oh sorry I apologise, I used the wrong word.

You made the entire decision, you didn’t influence it, you did more than that.

Happy now?

same here, someone tell me who to shoot

I was absolutely never getting Joan of Arc even if the enemy spymaster said it

who’s low on hp in poe?


seems like thats like necro? so probs a necro + backup config similar to my musical mash

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I don’t wanna think Wazza evil due to hesitating to reveal Wind is town at D2

Kill me plz lol

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prob save it ngl

Me, I guess.

well someone as in anyone and not someone as in someone–
you know what nvm

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Do not shoot marluna

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