FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

oh i should mention this is per faction

You only count ITAs toward KP after buffs and I usually ignore small buffs and don’t worry about it until it gets above like 0.3 or 0.4 KP/c (this has never really caused an issue and keeps things easier while balancing). While ITA buffs are worse for wolves in theory, you have to balance it the same, and just don’t put a lot of wolf KP into ITAs.

We did see ITA buffs on wolves

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A lot of town KP equity can be realized in ITAs and related boosts and stuff. It doesn’t look like we have an every day vig and neither do the wolves.

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when I designed stellaris mash you can see that ITAs are irrelevant for calculations most of the time


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here’s a sage advice compendium that I got for stellaris mash
all of this is publicly available info btw. you just have to search for it


the kpn for stellaris wasn’t even perfectly balanced btw
it was just close enough

Last week Neil’s mash had 69 players and a dayvig, nightvig, 100% ITA shot, anticlaim, a rival vig and various other ways to pick up 1 KP through retribution and a backup. Essentially like 4.5 KP per day.


we’re rivals (irl)

Factional + anticlaim + poisoner + likevig + Someone + ITA buffs probabbblyyy make up 5 KPN? I would guess it’s a backup and not another KP role? But maybe the anticlaim is limited… and we haven’t seen any silent ITAs… so I can maybe see extra KP? IDK

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I just think the idea of a backup makes more sense

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i partake in the distribution of bread



How many wolves have died with KP?

i could probs pull the kppd for that acc, but itas were factored in general

Poisoner is limited by existence of healer especially as fake poison is so conditional.

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tutuu (every night vig who can shoot people who get superlikes)
Kiiruma (every night poisoner)
Someone (3-shot vig with conditoins, couldn’t shoot D1)

Some ITA boosts

We know there’s anticlaim + a factional kill


The other thing is that if it’s not a backup then hte wolves have been, for some reason, mimicking the kill patterns of the likevig, despite the fact that that makes kills more predictable. Nuto claimed the likevig to be in the game on D2, and everybody went “PROTECTIVES ON SABI, THEY HAVE A BUNCH OF LIKES”… wolves still killed Sabi. Same goes for Jane. I don’t know if you want to risk sinking kills so nuto can fakeclaim that?

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