FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4


i agree owo

Bc carb is damaged already I assumed


He’s damaged already. Just trying to be efficient.

The Leader of The Joycat Nomads has selected the following propaganda to be shared publicly:

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isn’t gori damaged owo?

they were on shots for a while iirc owo

This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever

Puzzle #364

Katze, Marluxion, Atlas, Artemis, Jane


dont you get it?

how does this line of thought make sense owo?

Oh he claimed CPR doctor

I forgot about that

Alright gonna hold off on my Jarek paranoia for another day

Wait so Someone is being voted… how many of these mafs will be hard shielded when i reference wanting to shoot them?

Ty I thought I was having a stroke

This makes no fucking sense

Here’s Jane’s actual readlist

yes wolves are killing down the line of town leadership owo

why does this make hallia sus owo?

if anything i’d expect an achro wolfread from this logic owo

The fuck does this have to do with voting for me.

You have to be wolfsiding to think I make no sense

VOTE: Apocryphal

this is a wtf read lmao owo