FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

why do you townread achro?


Actually I don’t like what happened with your role

I’m ok with you being king :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

I support this

Jane vetoed it

Meuh tunneled

Why in this order specifically?

Well if Dum can shoot people randomly without thread consensus so can I


Vote Wazza :heart_eyes:

Only possible event poison prizes

Someone is marked by App, two marks kills,’and several people won marks from event prizesm

who did they shoot yday owo?

i mean i’m not gonna hard stop you idrc owo

If you shoot a wolf you can shoot anyone you like XD

oh true owo

OOOOO good point


It mgiht be worth to hold off on killing him

It doesn’t need to be exactly in that order

It’s just my order of preference, but someone could probably switch gori and carbonated, or even Someone

i feel this

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@Apocryphal can u confirm owo?

I can confirm

If you shoot Dum and they flip town i’m shooting you

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I think I’m just shooting Gori and moving on.

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