FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Understandable but also


This is why hero shots are actually the meta

VC Anomalies

tutuu has 18 voters and 18 votes, violating wwa’s doublevoterclaim
ElizaThePsycho is listed above spf, despite having fewer votes


Jake has 22 votes and 20 voters


Both gori and ranta have 10 voters and 11 votes

That means our mystery doublevoter is in

Hallia, Ari

Assuming it’s the same person (not item), and not a split doublevote

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Jane only has 5 posts today total @Ari

just follow the shot list it has taken jane’s reads into account

i dont trust wazza tbh

Lol ok

well he will post three more times and he can just tell me what he wants in one of them

Yeah by the way I got pinged on this on Day 3 but I was sleeping, I don’t trust Dum’s role because Dum pings me, engages with me regarding my role claiming he has “weird information” only for the weird information to be that I’m an investigative.

My whole confusion here is why on earth did Dum feel the need to expose that (it also got me vanillarized since I replied to him on it)

he is saving his posts for later in the phase, so if you’re patient with your ita… fair

Perhaps Someone needs to be sorted before gori if we’re going down the secret voter theory

Nope they have more options, I only have the strength version of that ability, funny, I’m just a weaker version of that

And not only am I a weaker version of that, I’m double gates behind only odds nights and I am only 2 shit…

It’s the pink hair for me [quote=“Wazza, post:1045, topic:8676, full:true”]
I don’t even have to do my campaigning! God, being a politician is easy


Help my posts merged

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a) this was hell to make on mobile please tr me for it
b) both wwa’s and (hallia/ari)'s doublevote starts D2

what is dum’s role claim owo?

You just love campaigning for me :joy_cat:

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Only two shits???


I know it’s not mine and they’re shading queen Wazza so

VOTE: ari


I did in at pc and pinged you with the result.

Welp. Just ask. :smiley:

Dum claims to be find out players class types.

For some reason, his entire information on me that he considered weird and strange enough to engage with me for what I am was just because I’m “investigative”

I entirely thought he was a tracker yesterday and saw me visit jail (which would be understandable to ping someone on)