FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

gating aside, yours is stronger

they have to spend a night/superlike/idk learning who’s taller

Was there somebody with a 10 out of 10 in the Trivia?
(If yes, how you knew the answer for question 2?)

To dissuade them from becoming King in the hopes of a wolf getting it

I checked the “popular link” badge

click the triple = (top right) then badges, look for famous link

Is anyone actually voting Wazza for king??

Most ppl I think

i have regained control of my computer

if a town doublevoter has not come forward then id immediately be suspeicous of them, or that they have enigmatic on them

Did you get a 10/10?



How is it wtf?

It was a whole thing just now

who is listening to me in this thread

no vote me though

If it is a movable +1 vote then it could any of:

Yawn, Someone, Hallia, bystander, an_gorta_slanktai, Ari, Lucid_Daydream

Which is fine. because someone is the cw.
and via the application of reads it really only adds lucid as well.

I listen to you uwu

Why would Wazza be the pick since when is that a town leader

oh damn


I looked up Mafia championships, but it said we didn’t play S6

so I put litten