FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

No because I lie all the time, I’m a politician


I’m not an MU user I’m cooler than that



oh god
what are you


Was that the 6 votes thing? How is this clearing

the ministry of truth isn’t about truth its about propaganda we just call it the ministry of truth to hide the fact that its propganda

Gg the cabinet of wimminz

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I mean, that’s my role, I’m the one who’s been selecting the players

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If this is your first impression of me you might conclude I’m particularly rude. Or in other words, generally unempathetic,

i’m still probably leaning hallia for king owo

that said if king is something we want to survive then maybe not hallia owo

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Ask someone who understands this shit better than I do

I am a humble sheep for the most part right now lmao :joy_cat:

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idk personally i thoughtg the 6 votes thing was an anit-town role but i trust wazza more thna that


It was a question last year already.
I copyed the answer form there…

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must be nice
(I wasn’t here last year)

@Zugzwang Who did you put for the champs thing I’m curious

You’re bringing up the fact that you want to elect a town leader, but ultimately speaking there’s not much basis on having it be a town leader over having it be on someone else.

I’d be willing to elect Gorta or Leafia in the right circumstances

You’re saying you’re not?

Technically someone that is not anticlaimable should be the new king.
I think.