FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

must be nice
(I wasn’t here last year)

@Zugzwang Who did you put for the champs thing I’m curious

You’re bringing up the fact that you want to elect a town leader, but ultimately speaking there’s not much basis on having it be a town leader over having it be on someone else.

I’d be willing to elect Gorta or Leafia in the right circumstances

You’re saying you’re not?

Technically someone that is not anticlaimable should be the new king.
I think.


I feel like this thread is on a whole different planet

Wait is that a thr-

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I mean I used to have a forum undertitle to that effect

wasn’t active I mean

gg ya got me owo

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You wouldn’t…

You wouldn’t be elected over me would you…? :pensive:

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I don’t have any ability remaining.
Does that count?

Ash would like to ask “If that’s the case, what does the Ministry of Propaganda do?”

I literally tell you who to shoot smh

If but like it’s harder to prove that, and this secret double voter also helped kill mafia? Tho it didn’t even actually matter, which means it’s unlikely to be manual option, which means the likely good of it being someone who can place a second voice else where is also slim

I am

Oh banger, get on the squad!

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What circumstance would make you elect Gorta as a leader or king?

i renamed it to the ministry of truth the ministry of propagada doesn’t exist anymore

mech town fully IC revealed in every circumstance