FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

I like that. Town reward goes to zug


FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 4 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
1 dyachei Creature
1 Dum Meuh
37 Not Voting Achromatic, an_gorta_slanktai, Apocryphal, Ari, ash4fun, Ashlyn, Baudib1, beancat, BradLand, bystander, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, gori, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Jarek, Kanave, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Millium, neil_the_eel, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang
Raw VC for the plugin

dyachei (1): Creature
Dum (1): Meuh

Not Voting (37): Achromatic, an_gorta_slanktai, Apocryphal, Ari, ash4fun, Ashlyn, Baudib1, beancat, BradLand, bystander, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, gori, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Jarek, Kanave, Kork, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Millium, neil_the_eel, Selkie, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang

Iā€™m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If youā€™re mean to me I WILL cry.

n2 had anticlaim in the kills. there was a line about it.

so I assumed it is tbh.

(and I had also considered a few hero shots like nutella but I didnā€™t really want to risk that)

@dyachei you said you were gonna sheep my why did you swap over to ranta?

The very pro-town mechanic of bulletproof vests

Yeah but it didnt specificy it was a kill

My ability is kinda lame it doesnā€™t really do much other than tell me who has the stronger ability between two people

VOTE: Gori

Tbf no one claimed to have been vanillaā€™d

(let it be said Iā€™m getting that small feeling in my chest)

yes nya

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I mean I can just shoot Dum for today but lol

Can I make a ā€œWhy is Achro still alive?ā€ Read orrrrā€¦?

Hmm welp those should also be looked at

Millium I feel like Iā€™ve only seen them defend themselves

Iā€™ve definitely defended people, and people can shoot me if they want

Iā€™d assume bc heā€™s been largely a lump and atlas and Jane were both being stellar town leaders instead

Also concern names, especially if Chaos shot a town + carbonated

Wait a minute. Why is this guy still alive?
(Donā€™t know. Donā€™t care. If heā€™s Mafia, then I will gladly let him deepwolf.)
(Zone. We spent AN ENTIRE NIGHT making this shitty ā€œreads listā€. DONā€™T YOU DARE doubt us now.)
ā€¦well, okay.

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Btw, I got a kill limiting tag. (itā€™s the burned one.)
I donā€™t have any more actions, so it doesnā€™t really effect me, lol.

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