FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

is derps wolfing owo

If Creature was fake poisoned, that means wolves didn’t use their real poison at all, despite having it (or it was put on an ineligible target, like somebody already dead, I suppose?)

Creature already claimed not to use a superlike

or in my case anything lmao

Were they able to use both actions at the same time? IIRC it was either fake poison two people or real poison one?

@Zugzwang Okay I found out, there’s a penalty for choosing the false statement, I picked just you to see if I could narrow some info down on how it works, got one that sounded wrong and choose it. I got an image of a V-Counter from DRV3 and now have permanent +1 vote on me

Have you read Kiiruma’s role?

They can only fake poison players who superliked their posts

I am hardclaiming I didn’t

actually yeah is derps wolfing. owo.

like that’s the tack i take as a little out of the loop wolf owo

well the poisoner can poison up to 3 players each day so I don’t feel having no conditions is bad? because the condition is kinda which do you think is real


where was all this call out when I had the same thoughts at derps lol

Well if Creature was W/W with Kiiruma and fake poisoned then he would’ve claimed he didn’t superlike (but Creature was nightkilled and lived also)

ur towny though idk owo

I didnt realise they could use both actions at the same time

we love a coma

It’s so fucking funny. It’s such good flavour


that thread still has my top liked post

funniest shit ever

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i’m also more hm at the hallia discredit attempt owo

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