FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

/ITA Kork @FAMHost

ok goodnight is a good band, this role is based

I was recruited like earlier today idk if that helps

So when do we start assuming deep wolves? Lol

Why is an_gorta_slanktai town?


The shot connects.


we have like 7 wolves left owo

odds are likely we will hit town before we get to those 7 owo

No dont

If there’s a deep wolf lets be honest it’s probably frostwolf


You’re the deepwolf

i said soemthing like this yesterday

not relevent but helpful to know

Nah but people won’t shoot me anyways

Guys I think all top posters are deep wolf let’s go in order

Claims I remember

  • Hazard was Enigmatic, he suggested targets for people, if they comply he gives them a reward (suggested I target Zugzwang N1, which gave me a gold name + indebted, which means I can’t target him with non-factional negative abilities). Was a Capitalist (so the mafia Communist Artist had boosted ITA damage against him), got a reward if he killed an “enlightened socialist” (who also gets a reward if they kill him)
  • Wazza was also Enigmatic, was the vote cop check thing, got vanillaised for implying they have a night action
  • Eliza has multiple ITAs, won her modposts in an event, had a delayed vig that was used on Jinrou
  • Kanave is Amnesiac from Blood on the Clocktower, receives information and guesses what her ability is each day, learns how close she was, check ISO for more info
  • Memekingpizza revealed the top 3 posting members of the guild of the first person who got a cookie D2, found out something about Apo D3 because she got a cookie
  • Yawn targeted Leafia + Stick N1, said who else htey targeted at other points but I’m not finding it you go find it
  • Ari has a day action that allowed her to machofy people, said it would be idled
  • Millium had some reason to wolfread Artemis D2
  • Ephemera has a “very minorly positive” role that targeted katze/Zone n2/n3

We’re still getting quite close to the original town:wolf ratio and then we’re prob gonna be in a losing spot

I do want to say if I die that there almost certianly is a evil in the 4 solves