FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

A’ight, I have updated it for next time.

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Stealthy super likes, like do you know what they look like?


What you said is interesting

Alright here are my guesses for last 6 wolves:

  • Someone (great wolf player at getting out of tight situations and good at coming up with fakeclaims)
  • neil_the_eel (often seen as polarized, but in reality they’re having their best wolfgame)
  • dyachei (the bussing wolf who is using their early pushes to defend themselves, while now mostly pushing a bad consensus and shielding Someone)
  • ash4fun (this is a random guess, but they might be the one LHF wolf that somehow got under everyone’s radar)
  • Dum (the one wolfy wolf who is hiding behind bad dead town legacy)
  • beancat/Jarek (either it’s beancat who managed to look fairly town sounding and get away with everything or it’s Jarek who has a weird claim but sounds convincing enough to get away with it)

“uhuhuuh yeah my ability usage is justified and actually good becaus euhhhh I’m on miobile yeah that’s a good argument send post”

Okay based

Im not but thanks for having confidence in me ig?

Incoming whooping

Obviously super likes are done in secret, and their ability doesn’t tell u who they super liked, but it tells u how many they’ve done, so I good assumption is, that if they are doing a lot, u want to ask them who they targeted among the updates the hosts have been giving us, especially since we know their there is/was super like vig

U made a bad choice, sucks to suck

Why are we pivoting away from BPV being anti-town back to my ability usage lmao

Thats how they got many killed since its either mafia role or 3P killer?

There is nothing anti town about it, I just don’t care about any of you

How in katze’s gender is one-shot bpv being anti town

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It’s a personal choice

This actually is kind of a vibe

So was me targeting Sadbi lmao

What was jareks weird claim?

CPR doctor, pacifist, visited Artemis and denied killed any from Night 1 and 2