FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 4 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
3 Jarek SirDerpsAlot, Creature, Frostwolf103
3 Ari bystander, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun
2 Frostwolf103 Hallia, Apocryphal
2 Someone Ashlyn, BradLand
2 Millium Meuh, Ari
2 Dum Wazza, Ephemera
1 Ashlyn neil_the_eel
1 SirDerpsAlot Jarek
1 neil_the_eel Baudib1
17 Not Voting Achromatic, beancat, CarrotyReaper, Dum, dyachei, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Selkie, Someone, Yawn, Zone_Q11, an_gorta_slanktai, Millium
Raw VC for the plugin

Jarek (3): SirDerpsAlot, Creature, Frostwolf103
Ari (3): bystander, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun
Frostwolf103 (2): Hallia, Apocryphal
Someone (2): Ashlyn, BradLand
Millium (2): Meuh, Ari
Dum (2): Wazza, Ephemera
Ashlyn (1): neil_the_eel
SirDerpsAlot (1): Jarek
neil_the_eel (1): Baudib1

Not Voting (17): Achromatic, beancat, CarrotyReaper, Dum, dyachei, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Selkie, Someone, Yawn, Zone_Q11, an_gorta_slanktai, Millium

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

has anyone died in codenames yet btw jesus christ

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They shouldtake your advice re: boating themselves

Just like Aragorn

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yeah : [

@Memekingpizza walked the plank!

Memekingpizza was Town

Text rolecard

The tinfoil post she made today about Hallia/Creature/Brad W/W/W is too disconnected from mechanical realities that wolves know better than villagers to ever come from a wolf. I diss this earlier but everyone told me I’m wrong so I don’t really care to argue the point anymore.

Beyond that she was like the most villagery person in the thread on D2 overnight (SK agreed with me).

I guess it’s to the point where that’s not good enough to keep her out of PoE, but I am still correct.

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Let’s be realistic here, I’d still run this place better than WIND did

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I’m so sorry meme uggh

jesus christ what amazing timing

and of course, my 100% read rate on Memeking continues what a surprise

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oof our bad

(can we talk now?)

Can we stop killing town

“I think Sagittarius is a ram” - Meme, 2024
They will be missed

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I’m sorry but half of y’all were gunna kill meme anyways,l

no, this is FOL heritage


(all players in the event who are not dead may now return to thread)

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We thought the other two are more towny, didn’t we?