FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

I don’t know why I said this.
I was possessed.


he was “randomly” voted by the winning team to die.

Thunder woke me up ;,:


Like in an event?

Whose dead

and who was on that “winning team”, marluna? :really:

At least 2/9 correct. Y’know what, I’m starting to believe in the numbers again.

The “merged POE” had seven players, of which three flipped Town and only one flipped Mafia… I dunno how to feel about that. The remaining three are:

  • Lucid
  • Meuh
  • Selkie

Hm… Lucid and Meuh are in both “OG numbers POE” and “merged POE”…

in the event, yeah.

Someone. Mafia.

Someone (mafia)
Frostwolf (town)
Dum (town)
are the most recent three

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dum just fucking died btw

A little less excellent

like. just. randomly.

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Just dead

+Meme, (town) from event

no gunshot
no cause of death

oh, yes, true
for some reason i thought achro had been here since then