FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

he can be really good at finding a deepwolf.

But he normally does it at times where nobody listens to him because he spent days doomerposting already.

Basically the boy who cries wolf in that regard.

I think that sort of speculation in a game with a huge scumteam is kind of silly by default yeah
The idea that kill somehow clears MUers as a group seems nonsensical (and also concerning cause there’s probably scum there)

not sure if n1 did. would be somewhat surprised because ppl normally don’t get forced to claim d1.

i dont think it clears all MUers. I think it makes them somewhat less likely

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just checked yea dosent seem like anyone was anticlaimed their

I’ll accept that as long as I get to shoot Millium

Actually are you a MUer?

they are

Can we have a list of living players that would be considered MUers

yes. I came over here for a wavelength game last month and then chloe asked MUers to join. I was going to sub but thought i might have the time to commit

I am, Jan, baud, dya, um idk who else

Mafiascum better :sunglasses:

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gorta_slanktai (insom)
achro (though I guess he’s pretty active here, too)

im sure im forgetting some


didnt realise Achro was considered an MUer tbh

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Played with Achro on MU and he seemed well established, I’ve been thinking of him as one

Good shotlist :heart_eyes_cat:

yeah I havent played a game on MU in quite some time

I like discourse so much better lol

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Tbh unironically if I had a button that would instakill everyone on that list I’d do it right now

why do i have 20k posts in mu no lifer behavior