FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4


Weā€™ll see postgame hehe

yes i think these reads are Not It owo

Yeah, because I was pretty much cleared after their failed poison attempt

That makes sense ye

I think the argument about the single kill is nothing but a strawman and should be ignored.

people are villagers for many more and different reasons.

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Oh there totally could be

The idea of nuking them all i take issue with lol

i think there were better targets personally


Iā€™ll sit down and improve enough to go to champs one of these days

I agree with this

I can see the logic an MUer wouldnā€™t have me in their first option

but if another wolf suggested me would they really oppose that?

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Iā€™m not arguing we should actually go down that list, Iā€™m saying that if I had the ability to kill them all, Iā€™d do it and I think it would be overall protown

Just be in a community thatā€™s small enough and scared of forums enough that youā€™re the primary person who both likes playing mafia and isnā€™t afraid of forums

Thatā€™s how I got in

Why is slanktai town even

Itā€™s also quite possible wolves wanted to get rid of a potential clear but didnā€™t care so much if they survived one extra day as poisoned town

ā€¦yā€™know what? I dig this.
I am willing to be bribed by Lucid.

VOTE: Meuh

Had a good start and now thereā€™s inertia but like

Imo he can die

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I would like to know that too

I donā€™t think theyā€™ve done anything except talk about the poison which feels like busywork

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Too much work Iā€™ll just be the best player in FoL I like these guys and if Iā€™m gonna play non champs game Iā€™d prefer to chill here for the most part