FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4


I’ll sit down and improve enough to go to champs one of these days

I agree with this

I can see the logic an MUer wouldn’t have me in their first option

but if another wolf suggested me would they really oppose that?

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I’m not arguing we should actually go down that list, I’m saying that if I had the ability to kill them all, I’d do it and I think it would be overall protown

Just be in a community that’s small enough and scared of forums enough that you’re the primary person who both likes playing mafia and isn’t afraid of forums

That’s how I got in

Why is slanktai town even

It’s also quite possible wolves wanted to get rid of a potential clear but didn’t care so much if they survived one extra day as poisoned town

…y’know what? I dig this.
I am willing to be bribed by Lucid.

VOTE: Meuh

Had a good start and now there’s inertia but like

Imo he can die

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I would like to know that too

I don’t think they’ve done anything except talk about the poison which feels like busywork

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Too much work I’ll just be the best player in FoL I like these guys and if I’m gonna play non champs game I’d prefer to chill here for the most part

you don’t need to improve.

champs is that in name only.
find someone to let you play and you re in.

more than enough communities out there that send whoever is willing that year.
(not saying that good players won’t sign up but it is not a requirement to be let in)

Based tbh

Have we looked at yesterday’s wagons btw? We now know it was v/v/w

I am not your brother. :neutral_face:


Have had like 0 thoughts on slanktai but recent posts are eyebrow raising (visualization: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)


If I’m gonna go to champs I don’t want it to be because I went out of my way to find some site to default me, seems against the spirit of what champs should be