FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

i agree owo

read people on what they’re doing not like. their homesite idk man owo

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I think they’ve been trying to think outside the box at least

I would hope most people are??

should be yes.

to me personally champs would be way more interesting if people didn’t get to play each year in hopes to finally get their breakout performance.

go there once. try you luck and see how for you can go.
But 50% of the players are just regulars who try again each year.

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Trolling is a big word, I’ve done some tomfoolery but I’m not trolling

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But unironically saying killing that MU player list is pro town is definitely words that were said

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it’s certainly not the only consideration but I’d be lying if I said it held no sway

I really enjoyed meeting new people in mine it was awesome

it is part why I would kill ari.

You’re not supposed to put text in your unvotes iirc

Some words of all time even

kinda surprised people are not using the most recent jane post against me yet owo

it has a lot of valid points owo
(on the other hand O W O P P O R T U N I S T I C)

not sure what to make of it, i’m like. extremely pushable owo

Hmm well I confess I don’t know what to think about them


Welp. I took the bribe, so I ain’t going back to Lucid. HELLO, OTHER TRUST LEVEL (-1) SUSPECT!

VOTE: Jarek

O really? That’s silly but ok

The more people get irritated by it the more convinced I am that there are several wolves there

I wished Achromatic was here so we could decide where to go next

It turns out shooting Someone was the right direction

Who are these wolves?

I vaguely recall that being in the rules but I’m not sure, a FoLer might know