FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

they have been and that’s part of it. the other part is meuh’s most hated. I dont think insom would prioritize a creature kill. I dont even think he’d not oppose it. but insom is more involved as a wolf I think

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 4 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
4 Ari bystander, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun, an_gorta_slanktai
4 Jarek Creature, Kanave, Zone_Q11, dyachei
2 Lucid_Daydream Achromatic, Jarek
2 Millium Meuh, Ari
2 beancat Ashlyn, Ephemera
1 dyachei Wazza
1 May SirDerpsAlot
13 Not Voting beancat, CarrotyReaper, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Selkie, Yawn, Millium, BradLand, Baudib1, neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Hallia
Raw VC for the plugin

Ari (4): bystander, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun, an_gorta_slanktai
Jarek (4): Creature, Kanave, Zone_Q11, dyachei
Lucid_Daydream (2): Achromatic, Jarek
Millium (2): Meuh, Ari
beancat (2): Ashlyn, Ephemera
dyachei (1): Wazza
May (1): SirDerpsAlot

Not Voting (13): beancat, CarrotyReaper, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Selkie, Yawn, Millium, BradLand, Baudib1, neil_the_eel, Apocryphal, Hallia

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

The only argument for wolf dyachei is their claim and still being alive

But I’m pretty sure Sabi also thought they were town, and they still might just be good enough for ke

Another classic Jarek shitpost moment brought to you by yours truly do you feel like you were thoroughly shitposted

Yesterday wolves had a dayvig, today and the day before yesterday they didn’t

Was that an event prize?

I don’t feel shitposted, I have no clue what you said

I’m performing the chad “fuck all previous reads” move since it’s very chad behaviour and those reads are dated now

Well good because I don’t know what I said either

1 Like

What’s Dyachei’s claim

i’m torn about using it tonight because wolves having it is bad nya but the odds of that are lower than town getting it i guess nyan

Anyway I have this really great idea that I bet people will shut down for literally no reason btu if you really really and I mean really think I’m evil right like you absolutely cannot trust me oh my god get the pitchforks for this guy

i shoot five times a day. each shot does 3 damage

Good morning
What happen

then let me just mark someone for death whose also in the Poe and then kill me tommorow you kill me you kill the other guy or gal or other and then you kill 2 people

Like that’s crazy genius if you ask me I’m basically the einstein of forum mafia

i suggested this earlier

Is this also Zone’s claim?

Both dya and zone have at least 5 to 6 ita bullets every day, and pretty much blasted only wolves, and yet neither of them are dead,


Oh minus the mason part I guess

Jarek has lost their mind, I see