FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

see you guys tomorrow

avg gorta post

VOTE: Lucid

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Yeah I have no idea at all if Ephemera is town

Staying here to protect mera but wtf insomnia

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ephi might be sus bc idk if there would be two travelers



Me neither. /shrug

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whatever. kill insom?

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 4 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
7 Lucid_Daydream Achromatic, Jarek, bystander, Ephemera, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun, Kanave
4 Ephemera Creature, BradLand, an_gorta_slanktai, Yawn
3 an_gorta_slanktai Apocryphal, neil_the_eel, SirDerpsAlot
2 dyachei Wazza, May
1 CarrotyReaper Hallia
1 Jarek Zone_Q11
1 Millium Meuh
1 Meuh Millium
5 Not Voting Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, dyachei, Ashlyn, Selkie
2 Unrecognized CarrotyReaper (for Unvote), Baudib1 (for unvote)
Raw VC for the plugin

Lucid_Daydream (7): Achromatic, Jarek, bystander, Ephemera, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun, Kanave
Ephemera (4): Creature, BradLand, an_gorta_slanktai, Yawn
an_gorta_slanktai (3): Apocryphal, neil_the_eel, SirDerpsAlot
dyachei (2): Wazza, May
CarrotyReaper (1): Hallia
Jarek (1): Zone_Q11
Millium (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium
Unvote (1): CarrotyReaper
unvote (1): Baudib1

Not Voting (5): Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, dyachei, Ashlyn, Selkie

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

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Final Votecount:

Lucid_Daydream (8): Achromatic, Jarek, bystander, Ephemera, ElizaThePsycho, ash4fun, Kanave
Ephemera (5): Creature, BradLand, an_gorta_slanktai, Yawn
an_gorta_slanktai (3): Apocryphal, neil_the_eel, SirDerpsAlot
dyachei (3): Wazza, May
CarrotyReaper (1): Hallia
Jarek (1): Zone_Q11
Millium (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium

Not Voting (7): Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, dyachei, Ashlyn, Selkie, CarrotyReaper, Baudib1

Five minutes to message me with corrections.


@Lucid_Daydream was executed.

Lucid_Daydream was Town.

Image rolecard

Text-based rolecard

Night 4 will end 2024-06-11T21:00:00Z. Actions are due 2 hours before the end of the night.

Watch this space for an event announcement, to be sent after all EoD feedback is out.

all feedback has been sent - please let us know if you think you were forgotten

(This is not a host announcement)

Truest News Source with Tess Ardent Issue #7 6/10/2024



THE GODDESS TESS ARDENT IS ANGRY WITH YOU, JOYCAT NOMADS! I can’t BELIEVE you’d lose this fucking set for us! It brings a stain on the honor of Joycat fans everywhere! When the Throne of Boomers was marching upon the gates of our glorious city, what did they say? “THERE IS NO WAR IN BA SING SE!” When the AGENDA appeared and started making us kiss women, what did they say? “I’M SO FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC GET AWAY!” OUR CHILDREN ARE NO LONGER SAFE BECAUSE OF YOU, JOYCAT NOMADS! I hope your coach lives the rest of their lives ASHAMED beacuse they have burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague upon our houses!


Who’s That User

Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: All night. Submissions are due 2 hours before EoN, at the action submission deadline.
Other Notes: Correct answers will be revealed publicly shortly before SoD. Individual scores will not be public.

How to Join:

Submit your answer privately on the forum in your role PM.

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private.

Welcome to the “Who’s That User” event!

What is “Who’s That User?”

  • You will see several posts. Each post was made by a Fortress of Lies user, on the old forum (Forum of Lies).
  • All quotes are from players who are in this game, who were dead at the time this event was published. A list of valid players is below.
  • Your goal is to match each quote to the user who posted it. You do not need to provide a source – you just need to guess their name.
  • If someone has changed their username, either username is acceptable, as long as it unambiguously refers to them.
  • All quotes are unmodified, except that most names have been redacted and replaced with [Player 1], [Player 2], etc., and I have replaced pronouns where applicable.
  • All quotes come from forum games (forum mafia or miscs). I only chose quotes made during games, not in postgame.
  • I have aimed for posts that are stylistically recognizable without requiring extensive familiarity with OldFoL games; however, I cannot guarantee that I succeeded.
  • Research is allowed. If you wish to consult the FoL archive, it can be found here. Creating a search function that works on the archive is allowed provided that you make it public after this game has concluded.


Please send your answers as an ordered list. You do not need to restate the question, or list the number, just list your answer. For example, if you think Arete said the first quote, Chloe said the second quote, and Geyde said the third quote, you would submit:


Valid Users:



Post 1

[Player 1] you know me better than [Player 2] knows me

you should know how much i love memes

would i kill marshal and NOT laugh at her face?

Post 2

I believe [Player 1] is a member of the town.
I have also considered fake scumslipping to get out of this game. I signed up to be an Arsonist.
Not town.

Post 3

(two posts)

By the way I made logs incase I died last night and they’re still relevant now

You’re all idiots for not lynching [Player 1]
[Player 2] is probably scum with [Player 1] for shifting the wagon off her.
They both need to die ASAP. [Player 2] kept saying all day yesterday ‘oh yeah I think [Player 1] could be scum’ and then refused to vote her until pressured to A lot. They both flip cult together in my eyes.
It makes me really fucking angry that you guys don’t notice posts like these:

What a fucking scummy post jesus christ.
[Player 4] is obviously good king, IF I DIE DO NOT LISTEN TO [PLAYER 1].

Post 4



Post 5

And from my POV, if [Player 1] actually were a wolf who had made no scummy plays, then he deserves the win, fair and square, because that would mean you just did a really sloppy job of being a townie and essentially threw the game.

As I said, you’re experienced, so I just can’t believe you’d make consistently bad town plays at this point. You have a technique of using your genuine sloppy town plays as an excuse for “sloppy town plays” as a wolf, which is a good cover to hide under, but it only lasts for so long.

Post 6

I always put stuff off till the last minute, that’s how I am as a person. It runs in my family

Post 7

Yes, this again

Post 8


this close

to voting on coinflip


Post 9

Yup. I’m a two shot cop and at this point, [Player] is just acting fat TWTBAW , so I’m starting to think she’s just a misguided townie. Also, it’s impossible for me to flip scum this game because I’m town.

Post 10

(excerpted from a longer post)

[Player] read

“I’m scared of talking because I’m scum”

“I’m the Court Wizard and this king is not of our faction he is a Traitor!”

Pretty NAI, however this is neat reference when I42 have released the trailer of Throne of Lies with the story of Court Wizard, however my point stands, the king is the least of concerns when it comes to gamesolving.

Apologies for the delay.

Hey @dyachei… I can’t seem to townread you.

I don’t know why other Town members were going after Ephemera, an_gorta_slanktai, and CarrotyReaper at Day 4, but -and I mean this without trying to be offensive- I didn’t care whether you died or not. From least bad to worst: You, Jarek, and Meuh are my top three scumreads.

EoD4 Flavor

Beata Mafia, you know I am a hardy wolf
Of my townreads I am justly proud
Beata Mafia, you know I’m so much purer than
The common, slanking, wrong, pretentious crowd
Then tell me, Mafia, why I see them posting there?
Why this leader’s role still hurts my soul?
I read them, I see them
The sun caught in their avatar
Is blazing in thread out of all control

Like fire
This fire tears me down
This burning so dire
Is turning me to town

It’s not my fault
I’m not to blame
It is the villager, the witch who sent this flame
It’s not my fault
If in Hosts’ game
They made the Cookie so much stronger than my claim…

Protect me, Mafia
Don’t let this townie use their role
Don’t let AGENDA sear my flesh and guild
Destroy Lucid_Daydream
And let them taste the fires of coal
Or else let them be mine, my role fulfilled

Now Lucid, touch the sky
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will die

Hosts have mercy on them
Hosts have mercy on me
But they will be scum
Or they will burn