FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Smh fucking socialists “Fair wages”

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OK well people from MU aren’t gonna clear me for this cuz I was a partial mech clear in Musical Theatre but if the role I am not becomes relevant later let us know.

oh shit lmao i didn’t realise i was topposter by that much owo

i’m an acceptable target if Someone lives to EOD so this should be maintained owo

glgl owo

That’s for the future ringbearer to deal with tbh /jk

Everyone should be paid 1 cent an hour instead, that’ll show them!

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I mostly just don’t know how it’ll become relevant


Noooo owo

YOU GETTEM. Carroty wanna become an intern that may or may not be paid

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tfw you’re 1/10th of a 2k post thread owo

im hoping all the owos are role related

I’ve been there


they are not owo


i’ve explained before but i am only in this game because chloe bet she’d owo for a month owo

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cringe related only, sorry.

oh hey jan

who do you want dead?

hello darkness my old friend.