FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

will ita whomever you wish, sir


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she;s not

I guarantee I can read her better than anyone else in this thread

are we talking about enlightened socialists in the chat…

@Zugzwang pwtty pwease tell me where the socilists are hiding :point_right::point_left:

idk just whoever’s getting shot or whatever. anything new that has come out ig. whatever’s relevant

I don’t think Ashlyn is correct but I think she’s coming from a genuine place and I don’t think being dismissive and condescending is useful here

well it’s complicated

we all pick a player that we want to vig

out of all of us that night one of us is randomly chosen

obviously, though, i didn’t submit last night

presumably a lot of ppl did submit last night

therefore my chance of my choice of vig going through is higher

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again i’m perfectly fine being vigged by Someone tonight owo

let me toppost owo

What’s this flavoured as?

Like what’s hte nameo f the item

that is if i understand this correctly

i literally just got done talking about how people are turning on her today and then that gets posted. I’m going to dismiss it because it’s absolute tinfoil and founded in want not fact

I mean i am vanilla i am happy to die for a cause


Who shoot

Oh, okay. Zug cannoned crazynuto last night

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Its the boats reward for the survivors

i am trying to understand owo

i disagree owo - i see the perspective owo

but i think it’s wrong because creature isn’t an extremely wild poison target owo

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Ashlyn was at work!

(Mandatory: he is literally at work even if you are scum it’s kind of yikes for you to shade the dude who said pre-rand he has a job for being at work)