FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

I mean the only player I have seen defend you is exactly yourself

Would remove Jarek definitely, maybe May, Meuh and Ephemera. Rest are fine.

Iā€™m a vivager

I have the same question tbh

Why meuh?

hi guys i just realized i was top wagon yesterday and would like to say thats so rude of you

Also @Baudib1 did you see that I said Ash is haunting me. When he dies he gets a private chat with a villager he superliked. Flips when I do. I donā€™t think he was a wolf really (though Iā€™m still not claiming in there, just in case)

the good news for you is that you are unlikely to survive the day!

It looks to me that the ways youā€™ve been ā€œwolfsiidingā€ are very minor and not important (like taken Bionic was V for his shot). So sure I could see it.

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The only reason Iā€™ve seen Achromatic being defended for is that he couldā€™ve powerwolfed or something. But it ainā€™t that much of a good reason right now. I suppose deepwolves probably bussed because they didnā€™t have much of a choice.

I am guessing thats why he was cleaned

??? why

Feels less individualistic and more incapable of interacting with others

His posting rubbed me the wrong way immediately with some nonsense posts and he was one of the top posters with 0 substance and bad vibes everywhere
I think that output makes a lot more sense coming from scum

So you wouldnt know if he was town or maf. It must have been role inbuilt

Uh ok. I thought Ash was a wolf though. :thinking:

Yawn yeah, I only remember Sadbi wolfreading you and I donā€™t remember catbae townreading you

Say to ash i said hi

I townread May (and coming from me -the paranoid-, that means a lot).
Jarekā€¦ Not so much.

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Worry about old Achro when the wolf blood begins to dry up. Iā€™m relaxing all cool letting trusted villagers lead while i play rpgs.

Every wolf Iā€™ve defended has been one who was getting killed anyway and my hesitant shields were depely ineffective at achieving literally anything. So Iā€™m not woulfy Iā€™m vivagery. Ignore that the crazynuto one probably did allow him to live for longer. Katze did that too