FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4


Like why clean ash and only ash

I dont remember if Hallia did contribute as such.

Yeah exactly lol

Oh yeah IDK Ash’s alignment but it’d be a hell of a thing to claim just to, like, get me to trust him more while he’s already dead. He’s not exactly pushing agenda in there.

I can see why I’m not really cleared by it but it’s a point in my favour IMO

Someone and Dum are like the only names from your list who are left

I agree with shooting Someone because as though they’ve been quite active and mourning about being suspected, I think they’re good enough to fake that as a wolf

Dum is a bit eh because Jane townread him, but otherwise I would be advocating to shoot him too

I dont think it was done by a janitor. I think it was done by him

Right. So do you think jarek is a wolf? Because I saw a lot of people think Artemis had wolf equity.

This is less to clear you more to discern ash’s allignment

I think it was done by him and I think it’s unusual for a wolf to have their flip cleaned indefinitely, town usually like to know how many wolves there are dead

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No not really. Cleaning wolf flips is more common so people don’t get cred for them.

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They are, but I’m also a sucker for it

But then thats not a wolf ability. Helping town is not really wolf coded

Suppose we have different experiences, IME cleaning wolf flips has been like vetoed as unfun

This is literally the reason why wolf flops get cleaned.

The whole point of shot lists, and you probably know this, is to go through them completely and then re-eval. do you remember I said if we killed 4 people I wanted to stop shooting so we could look at flips?

going off of shot lists and doing whatever is how towns kind of go on a bit of a losing streak. the important thing is maintaining control during itas

I’m on about 45 mashes hbu

Ask ash straight up what his character was in your chat may

Yah I can see the utility of it, it’s just widely considered kind of miserable to play against in my experience. But again IDK the exact design sensibilities of these hosts