FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

ngl i think someone probs flips w here just because i wanna see if my world works

I would not compare this to that, I died night 1 anyways, and I like and hated posts, but this isnā€™t even about this, Iā€™m reading something else from him, that makes him daily obvious, that we never saw in my qualifier game

Insomnia has concerned me somewhat in that I feel like theyā€™re a player I should townread by now? From my very limited past experience? But itā€™s such limited experience that Iā€™ve been mostly deferring to others

Why Bradland, Yawn and Memekingpizza?

God my typos are so painful

ok but it was a question and what is the answer

I think I am being flattered

is it working owo

Iā€™m not giving out my answer

hereā€™s my piece on those slots

BradLand is because heā€™s polarized and many MUers called him town

Yawn is claiming a self-resolving kind role

Memekingpizza seems to have a public role

Baudib1 keeps making me twitch just a little bit, but we also had a bit of a personality clash, so I donā€™t trust my instincts on that one. If I thought about him using my mind instead of my gut I could probably come up with a read there but I donā€™t feel like doing that

@achromatic did you snow wisp in ur qualis y/n?


Memekingpizza has a public role and I donā€™t want them dead RN

I feel like it should be really easy for the obv town people to make a shot list of 3-4 based on this list and see where it lands us in ita, I will be asleep by then

as the host he did for a day owo

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Is yawn going to claim what he self revolved with?

ok so im not trusting your read on achromatic

(@ wisp)