FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Did the boat game ever hit off

also like boob i barely played that game anyways. i was literally on vacation and hallia knew shed be handling most of it. i probs posted maybe 30 times total and thats being generous.

it’s happening rn owo

i have no fucking clue

Whos in it?

my first post after iso’ing that slot was voting neil. I just didnt pursue it much the only day I was alive because someone was hard shielding the slot and I didnt think i’d die (oops)


achro weren’t you going bed like 2 hours ago

first time?

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iirc its like. gets info abt multiple roles and has to determine truth/lie from it? ig it can be 3p but i kinda thbink kanbaves been villagery so weh

someone/marluna/millium/frost + uhhhhhh owo

2 more owo

does anybody have PL handy?

i have reassessed on the game and come to the conclusion that i suck owo

wtf i believe this

i usually just use the vc owo

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wtf owo

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eph are u towny and cute or wolfy and cute

all 3 owo

But mostly just cute owo

whats ur poe looking at atm?