FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Sounds based.


Of courseā€¦ā€¦ unless you were trying to steal my spotlight? :worried:

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perhaps nya

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Kind of a mood, but not sure how that translates into his name being float for death

Iā€™m talking about this game idk who Jarek is I donā€™t know who anyone is

This is my concern with Meuh

I feel theyā€™re towny by play, but how tf are their role stronger than Someone even with that many restrictions?

Even the ā€œtarget must be topposterā€ isnā€™t that much limiting of a restriction

Well I can tell why but also why him out of the other memers

Oh now I get why people call Creature paranoid

Nvm you guys were right letā€™s fullclear MUers

Is your role really stronger than Someoneā€™s? (donā€™t fullclaim, just answer yes or no)

That about face

i figure wolves can deliberate on whether itā€™s worrying enough to kill tn owo

then we worry about it tomorrow owo

It is for a villa. Wolves have an easy time to find a great target.

I donā€™t wanna answer if Iā€™m being real

idt you should answer at all nope owo

Alright whatever maybe leave Meuh for tomorrow

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Should we worry about Ephemera though? Jane said they looked very opportunistic

Did the king vote happen btw?

i swear if meuh is wolf iā€™m gonna lose it at myself owo

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