FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

bc my role is like very bad if it was in mafia’s hands by default


By default?

What’s your role

“several” is a… statement.

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apo, why are you villa?

I think beancat is at the top of most lists

Holy shit that is a lot of smash as Little Mac

Im not claiming this bc anticalim will just kill be

But consider how i know carrotyreaper didn’t join agenda by recruitment

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… yeah. i’m one of the best little mac’s in the world.

Okay then if you haven’t claimed your role is not why you’re not on shotlists

Because I am

I think you and Creature are the only ones familiar with my bullshit who isn’t town leaning or reading me


I need a shot NOW

apo should die regardless nya due to the ring

yeah… mildly unfortunate, too.

Damn I was so sure

at least we didn’t waste any itas but mine

now I just don’t know
I TRd them before but now I think it might just be beancat for agreeing with me

i don’t think that’s necessarily anti-mafia to have tbh. from my pov the mafia generally get more use out of knowing things like guild changes and recruitment

if beancat flips town i’m killing you

Yeah, I always die tonight if I actively choose to or tomorrow night if I do nothing

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